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We invite you to explore the options below to make your visit something to look forward to.

We are here because of the good news of Jesus Christ.
We are sinners who have been rescued from sin by Jesus Christ. Though we have different backgrounds, ethnicities, opinions, and personalities, we find commonality in the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We gather each week to worship the one true God revealed in the Bible. We're grateful for the privilege He has given us to worship, live, and serve in our local community.
We rely on God's grace to give us true unity to function together as one body in Jesus Christ, submitted to the Word of God and committed to living that Word out in our daily lives.

Who We Are
We exist to declare and demonstrate the gospel of Jesus Christ, so that all people will find their satisfaction in God alone.
We are Desperate for God
Because we are desperate for God, we must hear from God. The Word of God creates and shapes the people of God. We come together each week as broken people, made new in Jesus, longing for our heavenly home, needing to hear from God, and passionate to offer praise to Him for His mighty works. We are a people desperate for God.
We are Dependent on Each Other
In our sin, God rescues us and brings us into a new family—His family, the church. As image-bearers of the triune God, we are hard-wired for community. We need each other. God has not designed us to walk through life alone. As a faith family, we reject autonomy and individualism and gladly admit that we are dependent on each other.
We are Determined to Go
Everything we do as a church has one chief end in mind—we want to glorify God, by making disciples, so that Christ will be known among all peoples. Inherent in our redemptive call is a redemptive mission, therefore, we are determined to go. With the gospel in hand, we must go to our neighbors, coworkers, cities, and to all the peoples of the earth.

What to Expect
Walking into a church for the first time can be intimidating, so we want to help you know what to expect when you visit.
We promise not to embarrass you or point you out. If you wish you can fill out a connection card and we’ll follow up with you later. You can come knowing you are in the midst of a group of broken people, who all need God’s grace.
What to Wear
God welcomes us as we are, but sometimes a person just wants to know what to wear. Formal and informal attire is all acceptable and we have members who dress both ways. Whether it’s jeans and a t-shirt or a business suit, you are welcome to worship alongside us.
Sunday School
On Sunday morning at 9:15 am, we come together for Sunday School for all ages (except during the summer), where we learn topically about God’s Word and its application to all areas of life. Following Sunday School, we have about a 20-minute break with light refreshments and good conversation before our morning worship service begins at 10:30 am. During the summer, our service begins at 10:00 am, but you may arrive early to enjoy light refreshments.
Preaching is generally expositional, meaning that it seeks to systematically work through passages of Scripture, declaring the point of a particular Biblical passage, with practical application rooted in the redemptive story of Scripture. Sermons usually last around 45 minutes and are packed with material for reflection. Our sermon series regularly alternate between the Old and New Testaments. All preaching is driven by the Gospel, the Bible’s main message of God saving sinners through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We would love to care for your younger children while you worship. We have three nursery rooms, providing care to Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers. We also offer Sunday School classes for children in Preschool, Kindergarten, and all other school-aged children.
Service Format
Our service is intentional, in that it follows a deliberate order of worship, but it’s not formal in style. We sing several songs, offer congregational and pastoral prayers to God, hear Scripture read, and give our offerings and tithes. We close each morning worship service with a benediction, with the typical service finishing around 12:00 pm. An hour later, you might still find folks talking over the sermon and events of the past week.
We sing a blend of lyrically rich songs both recent and historic. Those of us who are comfortable with music from one particular era have discovered that we come to enjoy other songs we had not previously encountered.
We strongly prefer congregational singing, which emphasizes the gathered body enthusiastically singing praise to God with one voice. Some Sundays we sing with piano, guitar, and drums, and others we sing with just piano accompaniment.

Meet the Leadership

What We Believe
The Gospel
The gospel changes absolutely everything. It is the good news that the reign of God and His kingdom is at hand by the person, work, and ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the solution to all of the effects of sin in our hearts and in the world. (Gal. 2:14)
The Word of God
The gospel opens our eyes to the truth. The Holy Spirit uses the gospel through preaching, teaching, and discipleship to open blind eyes to the truth of Jesus Christ. It instructs, corrects, and sanctifies our lives, making us more and more like Christ. (2 Cor. 4:5-6)
God-centered Worship
The gospel makes us worshippers of the true and living God. The Father seeks to transform us into a people who exalt God through Jesus Christ alone. We are committed to God-centered public worship as a congregation, as well as in our families, and in our private lives. (John 4:23)
Commitment to the Local Church
The gospel is aimed at creating local Christian communities. This leads to the planting and flourishing of local churches. We are committed to teaching and living as a body, serving each other, and serving within our community and cultural context. (1 Thess. 1:8)
A Heart for the Nations
The gospel is good news for all the peoples of the world. It calls us as a congregation to be senders and goers, extending the kingdom to every tribe, tongue, and nation. We will make disciples, baptizing them, and teaching them to observe all that He has commanded. (Matt 28:18-20)

An extremely important part of life at Redeemer is membership. We feel that membership at RBC or any local church is necessary for a Christian’s growth. Through membership, you will experience deeper relationships with other believers as you witness and participate in living out the gospel on a daily basis: caring for others, forgiving others, serving others, practicing the “one anothers,” fellowshipping with and loving others. As we say at Redeemer, “the gospel changes everything” and as part of the body at Redeemer you will witness that truth in action.
Our Membership Process
Redeemer 101
Once each quarter we offer an introductory class for prospective members offering an overview of our vision, values, doctrine, polity, and ministries. During this class we will also offer the biblical rationale for church membership. Redeemer 101 is an informal time of teaching and conversation designed to be both engaging and informative.
Membership Application
After prospective members have taken Redeemer 101, they are encouraged to submit their application to the church office.
Membership Interview
Once the application is received, the office will schedule an interview for prospective members with a couple of RBC elders. Following a favorable interview, they will be received into membership and presented to the congregation as new members of the RBC faith family.
Ministry Involvement
After being received into membership, we will provide a specific platform for new members to explore the various ministries at RBC in an effort to help them get plugged into serving Christ’s body.
For more information on how you can take the next steps toward membership at RBC, please contact the church office at (952) 935-2425 or info@redeemerbiblechurch.com .
You can also learn more about why we think membership is important by picking up our Church Membership booklet at the Welcome Center on Sunday or view the electronic version here.