A Poetic Journey Through the Book of Romans
By J. Aaron White

The mystery of the grace of God
Foretold in ages past
Is the gift I long to bring
To you, dear friends, at last.
To strengthen and encourage you
My burden daily grows
Unashamed am I, for God
Has made his power known.
Grace is relished as the cure
When poison fills the veins
Glory stifled and dismissed
Yet conscience, torn, remains.
No one righteous, no one clean
All rebel and all defy
Offended sovereign, broken law
All who sin must die.
Justice meted and upheld
The judge is vindicated
The substitute for sinners slain
And wrath propitiated.
Sinners now may stand assured
That Christ their sins has owned
Righteousness is granted them
By faith, and faith alone.
Second Adam, holy head
In him sin’s power undone
Unified to Christ the Lord
Glad slaves of Christ the Son.
Condemnation now removed
The Spirit us indwells
Secure in Christ and loved of God
No fear of death or hell.
Though some remain untouched by grace
His Word forever stands
Filthy clay should never curse
The touch of sovereign hands.
But how will pots be formed at all
Unless the potter send
His gospel forth in power to save
Through lips of feeble men?
How can we give a sane response
To grace secured by blood?
No lamb or dove or goat or sheep
But lives laid down in love.
Hearts that swell with gratitude
Spill over to our brothers
Kindness and longsuffering shown
With selfless love to others.
Hope abounding, joy increasing
One in heart and mind are we
For the glory of the Lord
We boldly cross the land and sea.
Strengthened by the gospel daily
Arm in arm we stand
Ascribe God glory for his wisdom
Manifest in Christ, the Lamb!